Monday, March 18, 2013

The Great Football Attic Easter Egg Badge Hunt

Q: What do kids love about Easter?

If you answered "Celebrating the death and subsequent rebirth of Father Christmas" then it's likely you need either re-educating or intensive therapy!

If you answered "Easter Eggs", then hurrah, welcome home friend!

And what do kids love most about easter eggs? Aside from eating them... Yes, it's hunting them! I mean hunting for them!

And what could be better than an easter egg hunt?  Why, an easter egg hunt that results in you owning a Football Attic logo badge of course!!!

So, that's what happening...

We have 20 of these beauties to give away, but you're gonna have to work for it (and probably way too hard for a tiny badge, but hey!)

How to play:

We're hiding 8 golden Football Attic logos deep within the blog. With each logo is a letter. Find all 8 letters, then rearrange them into a Football Attic-related word or phrase.

Once you've worked out the word / phrase, email us at admin [at] thefootballattic [dot] com with your answer. Once the closing date's reached, we'll see how many of you could be bothered to jump through all these hoops and if necessary, pull the 20 winners' names out of a hat... though now I'm gonna have to buy a hat. Man, this is getting costly...

The competition goes live at midnight on 19th March (tuesday morning!) and you've got just 10 days to find all the golden Attic logos, after which our big badge hunt will be over, so get cracking, find those letters and win yourself a badge!

Happy Hunting!